Postpartum Care




Postpartum Care

Our team strives to ensure mothers receive the support they need in the days and weeks following delivery. We are there to ease the transition between hospital and home. We determine how well mom is adapting emotionally and recovering physically, providing education and support in caring for both mom and baby.

Town Plaza Women's Health

Postpartum Checkups

These checkups occur after giving birth, and they are just as important as prenatal visits. Frequent postpartum checkups are recommended during this emotionally and physically draining time. After delivery, our nurses are in contact with every patient within 2 weeks. For C-section patients, they have a 2-week visit for an incision check. Then we see patients at least 6 weeks postpartum and more frequently if needed. Issues with blood pressure, infections, breastfeeding, and hormonal imbalances can occur. We discuss adaptation to motherhood, infant care and feeding, family planning, sleep and fatigue, and health maintenance. We do a physical exam and administer labs as needed. We cover birth control options. If postpartum depression or any other emotional issues are present, we discuss treatment options and refer to our network of therapists, as needed.


Breast Feeding/Mastitis

Breast Feeding

The American Academy of Pediatrics continues to support evidence that breastfeeding protects against a variety of diseases and conditions. Breastfeeding may be a natural thing, but that does not mean it comes naturally. A newborn knows instinctively how to suck, but getting the lips and the nipple in the latch (right) position can be challenging. Our nurses can help with positioning and answer questions about how much and how often baby should eat. They advise on how to reduce engorgement, which makes it difficult for baby to latch. Discussion of pumping and which pump works best is also covered.


Sometimes nursing pain is caused by an infection called mastitis, when bacteria enters the breast and multiplies in a milk duct. The infected area becomes hot and red and is accompanied by flu-like symptoms. It typically develops in one breast, not both. Antibiotics are used to treat the infection.


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